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9 novembre 2018

Path of Exile: PoE Currency… Use it for Crafting!

Good equipment is a must for any RPG player. Most games give you armor and weapons as you progress, but the best ones are player-crafted. It could be you, or another player. Crafted equipment is customized to your style of playing, or at least possess the beneficial effects your style can take advantage of.

In Path of Exile, the crafting process is a little bit different. In actuality, it’s more like modifying or customizing a pre-made piece of equipment. It might take quite a bit of PoE currency to properly customize something. So if you really want equipment with specific effects, read on.

Be warned that crafting relies on random effects so may have to repeat a process several times to achieve your desired results.

The Process

First, you need to have a normal piece of equipment that you want to craft as that will be your base item. It doesn’t really have to be one with a high-level requirement. It is recommended, however, to use high-level ones so the highest tier modifiers become available. This goes as well for the more advanced techniques of crafting.

Next, transmute the item with a PoE Orb of Transmutation to upgrade its rarity to magic. An Orb of Chance will do as well, though the resulting item could be magic, rare, or unique rarity. Magic rarity gives the piece two affixes, rare gives six, and unique items have a list of modifiers. If the result is a rare item, skip the next step.

If you want a specific modifier affix, you may reroll for it separately. Orbs of Alteration are your friend for this step. When you’ve gotten your preferred item effects, use a Regal Orb to upgrade its rarity to rare. At this point, an unwanted mod will make you start from the beginning. Or at least use an Orb of Scouring and restart. If you didn’t get one, use an Eternal Orb to ‘save’ your item.

At this point, you use three Exalted Orbs. If any of the resulting modifiers is unwanted, ‘load’ your item with the Eternal Orb and try again. Repeat until the desired effects appear. After that, you may use a Divine Orb or Blessed Orb to change the numerical values on your mods.Enjoy your crafted equipment!

More Warnings to Take Note of

More advanced crafting involves the use of crafting benches. These benches are where you can craft specific mods to use. They can even help you get a specific one by limiting the randomization pool. That’s because master crafted mods blocks Exalted Orbs from adding the same type of mod to the item.

Crafting is recommended as long as you’re still going to level up. It’s not worth it if you’re already at max level, though you may craft if you have unbudgeted currency stockpiled. This process is also a good way to get rich. It also becomes necessary if you want a certain combination of mods that nobody has seen yet. Frustration and grinding for that perfect combination of mods should be expected. Really, the simplest way to get good equipment is to buy from other players. However, it’s still different to use something that came from your own hard work.
So, go forth and craft!

(Summary: How to craft equipment in Path of Exile. Recommended for characters that will still level up, or those with too much PoE currency in their hands. Crafted items are customized for certain play styles, so sometimes, you really just have to make your own. Otherwise, just buying from other players will do.)

About the Author

Neoanderson (Chapitre Sébastien)
Hardcore gamer dans l'âme, la quarantaine depuis peu, je suis le rédacteur en chef autant que le rédacteur de news et le vidéo-testeur de ce site (foncez sur la chaîne YouTube d'ailleurs). Amoureux des RPG nourri aux Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears et consorts, je suis également fan de survival/horror. Niveau japanim, je voue un culte aux shonens/seinens tels que Ga-Rei, L'Ile de Hozuki, Orphen, Sprite ou encore Asebi. Enfin, je suis un cinéphile averti, orienté science-fiction, fantastique et horreur, mes films cultes étant Star Wars, Matrix, Sucker Punch, Inception et Tenet. N'hésitez pas à me suivre via mon Facebook (NeoAnderson N-Gamz), mon Twitter (@neo_ngamz) et mon Instagram (neoandersonngamz)!

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