Similar to traditional betting, CS:GO betting can’t be successful without proper strategy. It will make your actions more organized and your winning chances more realistic.
As you can guess, there is no universal betting strategy that would help absolutely everyone master CS:GO betting. All people are different. What you can do is to find the option that could be a perfect fit for you. Before you start betting at, check out the strategic options to choose from.
Value Betting Strategy
Probably the most popular strategy among CS:GO players is focused on finding value in one’s picks. This is why high odds are crucial and they should be significant to you as well.
So what will you understand under value betting? Value is a correlation between odds and probability. It’s crucial for CS:GO betting sites to estimate the probability. For example, team A’s favorite map is Nuke, team B doesn’t play Nuke so often. This allows team A to improve their skills on Nuke in a matter of time.
Martingale Betting Strategy
More experienced CS:GO players can try out Martingale strategy. It is simple, but it requires some knowledge and skills usually obtained by high-rollers.
Let’s say that you want to hunt for the 1.85-2.00 odds. These are the best odds to use for Martingale strategy in CS:GO betting. To make things work, you need to have a good budget. If your budget is below $100, you shouldn’t expect too much from this strategy.
Martingale strategy applied in CS:GO betting is easy to explain. Once you decide to try it out, you will double up your stakes for every lost bet. In the case of winning the game, you will reset everything back to your original bet. Here is an example:
$10 bet –> LOSE -> $20 bet LOSE -> $40 bet -> WIN -> $10 bet -> LOSE -> $20 bet -> WIN -> $10 bet…
It may seem to be a tricky strategy, it actually works. Once you deposit your CS:GO account, you will be able to test it yourself.
CSGO Betting Suggestion for Live/In-Play Betting
CS:GO live betting is the best way to make a profit from eSports. It is fast, simple, and incredibly convenient. Of course, it doesn’t give you any guarantees. But CS:GO live betting is a profitable affair if you stick to the rules and devote a lot of time to research. If you do the research and you know how the game economy functions, you will enjoy the whole thing. So, what is the best way to approach live betting on CS:GO
Let’s go back to CS:GO teams for better understanding!
Team A lost the pistol round and they want to buy it again in the next round. They have also lost the force buy and now they’re losing 2 points to the opponent. To get a full buy, they will need to keep their money safe in the third round. This will minimize the risks of losing the round because they’ll only have stock pistols.
Some CS:GO betting platforms provide “round winner” CS:GO special bets. If you take a closer look at the game, you will recognize plenty of winning opportunities. Don’t forget about surprises as well. It will not be the first time a team misses the game either by running into a stack or by being caught off guard.
Final Thoughts
CS:GO betting is not high science. But it requires certain actions to be taken. Being a complex game, CS:GO has a lot of things for you to learn. This is especially the case if you are not familiar with the game.
You need to master the game mechanic. You should also pay attention to the patterns of the CS:GO economy system. And don’t forget to watch and analyze every match you want to bet on. Eventually, you will see the results by accumulating bigger and bigger profits. Just give it time!