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23 décembre 2021

Making Money from Video Game Tournaments

If playing video games is your hobby, you must be spending hours on it every day. Why not to take benefits from this? Whether you play CS:GO, Dota 2, LOL, or any other video game, you should try your chances in the competitive sphere.

Esport it is taking over the world at a high pace. The industry is now worth millions or even billions of dollars. Many different Esports organizations sign contracts with top gamers to play for them.

Of course, becoming a pro gamer is not as easy as it seems. But it doesn’t mean that it’s impossible. Below, you can get some basic guidance on how to become a successful video gamer in online tournaments.

Find Your Strength

Even if you enjoy playing CS:GO, Dota 2, and a bunch of other video games, you should determine your focus before joining a tournament. If you are seriously considering a career as an eSports player, make sure to become the master of one. Ideally, you choose something that you are skilled at and interested in.

Practice as Much as You Can

If you want to become a master, you need to spend more time practicing the favorite game. This way, you will manage to get up to the level of your competition. Instead of just playing the game, you should do some research and analysis so that you can optimize your playing tactics. Make sure to check out strategy guides and watch professional streams on the Internet.


If you really want to enter gaming tournaments for real money at a professional level, you need to cooperate with other gamers. This is important for practice so that you can try your skills against people of the same level. It also keeps you highly motivated as you are involved in the network of gamers who share your passion for video gaming.

To become part of an eSports team, you will need to get a solid reputation and become known as a professional gamer. Thys, networking is a perfect way to make this happen.

Start a Team

Depending on the selected video game and the tournament, you will have a choice of playing solo or in a team. Generally, video games are more about teamwork. So, most players decide to build up teams in which players can support and help each other towards the common goal. If this is kind of experience looks suitable for you, make sure to choose your teammates wisely. These must be professional players with extensive knowledge, excellent skills, and a proper attitude to video gaming.

An average team consists of 5-6 people. Everyone will have a particular position and therefore a set role. Before you join the competition, you need to practice playing together to get used to each other. Also, it will be easier to build up common strategies.

Join Entry-Level Tournaments

Once you feel like having sufficient knowledge about video gaming, you can start entering gaming tournaments for real money. You are not expected to jump straight into playing at a professional level. Instead, you can try you luck at the entry level first. As a beginner, you can try you luck in MLG GameBattles and ESL Play. These resources are perfect solutions to your video gaming rush.

Join Live Events

Once it’s time to hit the live tournaments, you will have a bunch of options to choose from. If you don’t want to travel too far, look for an eSports events taking place close to where you live.

Online tournaments involve huge prize pools that often reach thousands and even millions of dollars. They also have different policies that must be checked before submitting your application. The opportunities in the video gaming world are immense. You just need to develop the right strategy that would make your experience as smooth as possible.

About the Author

Neoanderson (Chapitre Sébastien)
Hardcore gamer dans l'âme, la quarantaine depuis peu, je suis le rédacteur en chef autant que le rédacteur de news et le vidéo-testeur de ce site (foncez sur la chaîne YouTube d'ailleurs). Amoureux des RPG nourri aux Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears et consorts, je suis également fan de survival/horror. Niveau japanim, je voue un culte aux shonens/seinens tels que Ga-Rei, L'Ile de Hozuki, Orphen, Sprite ou encore Asebi. Enfin, je suis un cinéphile averti, orienté science-fiction, fantastique et horreur, mes films cultes étant Star Wars, Matrix, Sucker Punch, Inception et Tenet. N'hésitez pas à me suivre via mon Facebook (NeoAnderson N-Gamz), mon Twitter (@neo_ngamz) et mon Instagram (neoandersonngamz)!

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