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1 novembre 2021

CS:GO Betting Recommendations for Beginners and High-Rollers

With multiple in-game variables, skills, and statistical details, the most knowledgeable CS:GO enthusiasts have a great chance of becoming winners. The main idea is to gain the right approach to the betting routine. At https://csgoeasybets.com/, you will be able to develop the effective strategy, place your first bet, and become a winner.

If you are only looking for some recommendations to place your next bet, then this CS:GO betting review is just for you. It doesn’t give you a 100% guarantee of a positive result. But it definitely gives you a good piece of betting idea.

Betting Recommendations for CS:GO Bettors

Regardless of your expertise in a betting sector, you will follow the same principles. Here are a few key points to help you out in your betting endeavors:

#1: Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose.

In CS:GO, you can become an absolute winner or a total loser at any moment. Some players like blaming the teams, gaming platform, or the person who gave them a piece of advice in all their problems. Well, it’s not the right thing to do. Betting is a long road full of ups and downs. Even the top players are ready for losing streaks.

#2: Research the team thoroughly

You should gain an in-depth understanding of the teams. What are they? How successful are they? What is their current state? It’s also important to watch some of the recent matches to understand the team’s efficiency. Overall, these are a few important aspects to focus on:

  • Team background
  • Winning statistics
  • Head-to-head matchups
  • Tournament performance

What makes CS:GO great for betting is that there is a lot of skills and knowledge involved. With thorough research and analysis of the teams, you can gain a serious benefit over your opponents.

#3: Keep track of games

The most successful esports bettors are fans of CS:GO betting. They monitor every single tournament or event associated with the game. Even if they don’t participate in the competition, they still need to be informed about everything. Through contact monitoring, you should focus on:

  • Gaming styles
  • Maps
  • Team’s current condition
  • Individual players

But remember, don’t let the game become less interesting and engaging. CS:GO is a fun game. Let it be so.

#4: Compare your own odds

Most successful bettors stand against the odds by making their own. Once you have extensive knowledge of both teams, you will be able to create your own betting line in your head. Just pay attention to these factors:

  • Match background
  • Current team form
  • Head-to-head statistics
  • Overall statistics

Professional gamblers often manage to get the odds that are not far from the working line. The difference is that they can find small inefficiencies and benefit from the betting public by addressing the gaming nuances. If your odds claim that a team has a 30% chance to win but most books claim just 20%, you should consider focusing on the underdog.

#5: Estimate risks and rewards

All betting is based on risks and rewards. Is it worth the money to become a winner? The best bettors to make are ones with adequate risks and generous rewards. For example, you can wager on the least attractive candidate because you can place a small bet and make a moderate profit. That does make sense.

At the same time, you see a team with the 90% winning odd and you are quite sure about those odds. To become a winner, you need to make a large bet. That’s a huge risk. Instead, it’s better to make a small bet on a game and make a small profit.

Are you ready to spice up the esports events that you’re already following? Hopefully, our CS:GO betting advice will help you make the right decisions.

About the Author

Neoanderson (Chapitre Sébastien)
Hardcore gamer dans l'âme, la quarantaine depuis peu, je suis le rédacteur en chef autant que le rédacteur de news et le vidéo-testeur de ce site (foncez sur la chaîne YouTube d'ailleurs). Amoureux des RPG nourri aux Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears et consorts, je suis également fan de survival/horror. Niveau japanim, je voue un culte aux shonens/seinens tels que Ga-Rei, L'Ile de Hozuki, Orphen, Sprite ou encore Asebi. Enfin, je suis un cinéphile averti, orienté science-fiction, fantastique et horreur, mes films cultes étant Star Wars, Matrix, Sucker Punch, Inception et Tenet. N'hésitez pas à me suivre via mon Facebook (NeoAnderson N-Gamz), mon Twitter (@neo_ngamz) et mon Instagram (neoandersonngamz)!

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