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4 octobre 2021

Handling Dota 2 Correct Map Score

When it comes to Dota 2 betting, your ability to make accurate predictions determines your overall success in sports betting. Of course, it’s not as easy as one may assume. Apart from extensive knowledge of Dota 2, you also need to use your sixth sense.

At https://dota2-bet.com/, you will have to look at the winning of the matches, as well as map scores. For example, using scores such as ‘X Team To Win 2-0’ needs you to gain this result to become a winner. Although it may seem to be a bit risky, you will enjoy having higher stakes and a potentially even higher payout.

So, how can you make map scores work for you and your bet. Let’s find it out!

What is Dota 2 Correct Map Score Betting?

Betting on teams to win outright is the main routine for average bettors. Betting on the correct map score is a more complicated task to deal with. If you succeed in it, you will raise your stakes in order to get some benefits. To take things to the next level, you will be given odds as high as the scores reached after the match.

To deal with map score betting, you have to use one of the available methods to best ascertain what this might be. Here are several pointers on where to get started:

  • Map Use: The terrain is a basic element of the gameplay that always uses the same map. No need to say that it’s not going to be the same play all the time.
  • Teams Playing: Analyzing the teams and players is important for the future predictions. After all, their performance, experience, and skills determine the overall game.
  • Heroes in Action: Heroes, also known as avatars, determined the way you communicate with other players and with the game itself. It’s crucial for you to know all the heroes, including their features, skills, and so on.

This information will let you make the most out of your bet. Knowing where to start is half of the way to success. In the end, you need to keep yourself constantly updated and informed.

What Can You Bet On at Dota 2?

Dota betting markets are marked with immense diversity. If the operator focuses on eSports betting, it’s more likely that there will be a better choice of betting options. Many bookies cover a wide range of Dota betting markets. Make sure to check them out online. Here, you can find a list that involves the main markets available for Dota betting needs and preferences:

  • Match winner: This is the most obvious type of betting where you are supposed to guess the future winner.
  • Map winner: Similar to the match winner, eSports bettors can start betting on Dota’s map winner. While both teams fight against each other, they tend to dominate the map. So, you can give them an increased chance of winning.
  • First blood: Being the most common market, first blood can be addressed towards the start of the game. This is where the opposing teams start trying to get an early benefit in the match.
  • First to…: There are a lot of ‘first to…’ markets at your disposal. Some betting resources attach a “first to” status to a particular number of kills. Meanwhile, others attach a “first to” status to the enemy’s building markets.
  • Totals: Total number of kills, buildings, and creep kills are offered by different bookies.

The Bright Future of the eSports industry

Over the last decade, the eSports sector has grown drastically. The technology has contributed to the development of new gambling resources. Consequently, the number of gamers with the high level of professionalism is also getting higher.

The developers of Dota 2 organize a lot of tournaments and competitions to make player’s experiences even more delightful. If you want to join one of them, feel free to do so.

About the Author

Neoanderson (Chapitre Sébastien)
Hardcore gamer dans l'âme, la quarantaine depuis peu, je suis le rédacteur en chef autant que le rédacteur de news et le vidéo-testeur de ce site (foncez sur la chaîne YouTube d'ailleurs). Amoureux des RPG nourri aux Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger, Xenogears et consorts, je suis également fan de survival/horror. Niveau japanim, je voue un culte aux shonens/seinens tels que Ga-Rei, L'Ile de Hozuki, Orphen, Sprite ou encore Asebi. Enfin, je suis un cinéphile averti, orienté science-fiction, fantastique et horreur, mes films cultes étant Star Wars, Matrix, Sucker Punch, Inception et Tenet. N'hésitez pas à me suivre via mon Facebook (NeoAnderson N-Gamz), mon Twitter (@neo_ngamz) et mon Instagram (neoandersonngamz)!

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